Any business, from brick and mortar companies, factory premises to commercial SEZ properties, know the value of their location. Also besides the square-footage of your office space, it’s important to step outside your buildings and look at inspiring & refreshing green scapes.
Efforts to apply industrial ecology and to achieve greater eco-efficiencies begin with process of re-engineering, but, may go much further.
By applying ecosystem principles to all of their activities, businesses may also realize significant savings through site and building design, landscape planning, and site management policies.
Here is where we step in, improve your landscape and your business appeal to improve the lives of your employees and residents.
This is achieved by:
– Entire industrial landscape mapping & planning.
– Creating Carbon neutrality projects inside factory premises.
– Building and Maintaining Oxygen parks.
– Creating and promoting Carbon free zone.
– Creating and Maintaining Bird parks.
– Create Lakes, water bodies & fountains.
– Designing, Executing and Maintaining Thematic Gardens.
– Designing, Executing and Maintaining Solar parks.